High bills are troubling even at the best times and a person may think, 'am I just using too much electric or is there some kind of problem?'. The first thing people tend to gravitate toward is the meter with the thought that it is speeding up. Keep in mind, the meters on Callaway Electric's system are digital. This means there are zero moving parts. Generally if a meter malfunctions it does so by not sending data out rather than speeding up and increasing the bill.
However, this does not mean you are not having a problem of some kind. If you have a concern with your bill please reach out to our Member Service Department by phone, 573-642-3326 or CECService@callawayelectric.com. Our team will be able to use the data that your member sends out to help trouble shoot any problems. We can also determine how your power is utilized in the home by doing an electrical usage analysis. This can give you the approximate amount of energy you use to heat and cool your home (if electric) as well as what you use in your home minus the heating and cooling systems (base load).
Before you make the call, please conduct an inspection of your home and see if one of the following things has been left on or is malfunctioning. These items can be causes of higher bills:
A well pump is stuck on or has a bleeding pressure tank
A water heater has an element stuck on
A malfunctioning refrigerator or freezer
Heat tape is left on or stuck on
Baseboard heat is 'on' when you thought it was 'off'
A space heater in an area that isn't used much, such as a pump house, weekend home, workshop, etc.
A stock tank water heater that is left on or stuck on
A malfunctioning heating or cooling system (low refrigerant, bad thermostat, etc)