An amazing opportunity
Local youth leaders will have a chance to win an all-expense paid trip to our nation’s capital for six days. Over 100 youth leaders from across Missouri come together to take on Washington, D.C.
Once there participants meet up with delegates from 42 states (approximately 1,500 young people) all touring during the same week in D.C. Our Missouri delegation visits all the sights D.C. has to offer while also making friends and lots of great memories!
Youth Tour is sponsored by electric cooperatives across the country, with 3 local delegates participating through Callaway Electric Cooperative in Fulton, MO.
The Callaway Electric Cooperative Youth Tour Essay Contest is open to all high school juniors living in and/or attending school within Callaway Electric Cooperative’s service area. A Callaway Electric membership is not required for entry. Children or grandchildren of Callaway Electric employees or directors are ineligible.
Application/Contest Process
Interested students are invited to submit a completed application and project as explained in the information. Projects are anonymously reviewed by three judges with backgrounds in rural electric cooperatives. Six top scoring projects will be invited to the cooperative to compete in a final competition held at Callaway Electric in April. Final scores will be based on the original project, a written test and an interview with a panel of three judges. All finalists are winners. The top three win an all expense paid trip to D.C. in June, 2025 and the remaining three receive a $500 non-renewable scholarship toward their secondary education.
If you have questions, please email kthomas@callawayelectric.com or call us at 573-642-3326.
Essays and applications were due Friday, February 21.