Put your money to work in the community
Callaway Electric members and Callabyte subscribers can now choose to participate in Operation Roundup - a program designed to do good work throughout the Callaway Electric and Callabyte service area. The average tax deductible donation will be $6 per year, with the option to donate more. For example, a $76.37 bill would round to $77.00, with the additional 63 cents going toward Operation Roundup. This may not seem like a large amount, but we are combining the potential of 13,000 electric accounts and over 11,000 Callabyte subscribers. Together we can make a significant impact in the local communities we serve and live in.
Apply for funding:
To apply for funds, download and complete the appropriate application. If you have questions contact our MSR Team at 573-642-3326.
All money received from the Operation Roundup program will go to the Callaway Electric Community Foundation which is managed by a volunteer board of directors, consisting of six Callaway Electric members and one Callabyte subscriber.
We are pleased to have the following group serving on our foundation board:
Tom Young of Auxvasse, Tracy Gray of Fulton, Lori Twillman of Fulton, Anita VanBooven of Rhineland, Eric Pahl of Mokane, Cassie Goosey of Fulton and Heather Helsel of Fulton.
By incorporating the cooperative principle of concern for community, the mission of Callaway Electric Community Foundation is the accumulation and disbursement of funds for charitable purposes in Callaway, Montgomery, Boone, Audrain, Warren, Cole, Osage and Gasconade counties.
This shall be accomplished by disbursement of funds to individuals and organizations as deemed necessary or appropriate by the Foundation.
This statement may be modified from time to time by a two-thirds vote of the entire Foundation Board of Directors.
Approved Nov 19, 2020
Contributions collected through Operation Roundup will be disbursed for charitable purposes in the following categories:
Community Service
Economic Development
Individual or family health care need or other crisis
Education and Youth
All money received from the Operation Roundup program will go to the Callaway Electric Community Foundation which is managed by a volunteer board of directors, consisting of six Callaway Electric members and one Callabyte subscriber. The board will meet quarterly to review applications and distribute funding.
Individuals or groups residing within the Callaway Electric and/or Callabyte service area can apply for funding by completing an application as provided on this website or by contacting the Cooperative's MSR Team at 573-642-3326.
Simple participation in Operation Roundup will result in an average contribution of $.50 per month or about $6.00 per year. You may also choose to contribute more than the simple roundup amount. This can be designated each time you pay the Cooperative and adjusted at your convenience.
Yes. Callaway Electric/Callabyte will notify you annually on your January bill of your total contribution to Operation Roundup for the previous year.
Operation Roundup is an opt-in program. You participate by choice and you may withdraw at any time by contacting the Cooperative in person, by phone at 573-642-3326 or email CECService@callawayelectric.com.