to our Operation Roundup Spotlight Page. Here you will see all the great things that our members and subscribers are supporting with their ORU participation each month. Take a look around and be sure to sign up if you aren't already! Small change is truly making a difference in the communities we serve.
The next grant applications are due by April 4, 2025 for review at the April 2025 Foundation Board Meeting.
Individual Grant Application | Organization Grant Application | 2025 Scholarship Application | Learn More about ORU!
How to get involved with Roundup
The success of this program depends on YOU! By working together we can make a difference. Sign up TODAY!
Get involved with Operation Roundup by signing up. Let us know you would like to round up your electric and/or Callabyte bill to the next highest dollar each month, and join other members and subscribers who are helping to make an impact in the local communities we serve. Call our MSR Team at 573/642-3326, sign up with our online form or thru our SmartHub payment app.
Spread the word!
If you are already signed up, THANK YOU! Share with others what a great opportunity this is to come together and make a difference with just a small donation each month. ALSO, if you know of a need within the community, encourage them to apply for a grant. More details, along with grant applications can be found here.
2024 ORU Grant Recipients

WeBuilt | Fulton, MO
$500 Grant Awarded October 2024
Congratulations to the WeBuilt for receiving a $500 grant in October to spread the word in the community about their mission of creating an inclusive & supportive community where individuals can live independently and build meaningful connections.
Pictured is Nancy Hanson, WeBUILT Director, along with Tracy Gray, Lori Twillman, & Heather Helsel of the Callaway Electric Community Foundation Board and Stephanie Laney of Callaway Electric.
St. George School After Care
St. George School After Care | Hermann, MO
$500 Grant Awarded October 2024
Congratulations to the St. George School After Care for receiving a $500 grant in October to continue providing a safe place for students to go until their parents can pick them up after work. The program offers a snack and homework help, along with a safe place to play with friends, filling a need in their community.
Pictured is Robbin Lewis & Mary Steiner, After School Care Directors, along with Amy Schebaum, and Stephanie Laney of Callaway Electric. Also included is Anita VanBooven of the Callaway Electric Community Foundation Board.
Our House

Our House | Fulton, MO
$500 Grant Awarded October 2024
Congratulations to Our House, an organization in Callaway County that is dedicated to serving area homeless, for receiving a $500 grant in October to use toward upgraded appliances for their shelters to ensure a quality of living for their residents.
Pictured is Gina McKenize, Executive Director, and Our House staff with Stephanie Laney of Callaway Electric.
Leadership Callaway

Leadership Callaway, Class of 2024 | Fulton, MO
$1,000 Grant Awarded April 2024
Congratulations to the Callaway Chamber Chamber of Commerce Leadership Callaway Class of 2024 for receiving a $1,000 grant in April to support their efforts to add a Sensory Playground within the Memorial Park in Fulton, MO. The park can be enjoyed by all but will provide a unique experience for children with an autism spectrum disorder, ADHD or other sensory disorder.
Pictured is the Leadership Callaway Class of 2024. They are joined by Stephanie Laney of Callaway Electric and Lori Twillman of the Callaway Electric Community Foundation Board.
Fulton Fire Department

Fulton Fire Department | Fulton, MO
$500 Grant Awarded April 2024
Congratulations to the Fulton Fire Department for receiving a $500 grant in April to support their efforts to implement a program to prepare interested Fulton High School seniors to become firefighters by providing academy level training with a wide range of firefighting equipment, tools, text and techniques.
Pictured is Battalion Chief Todd Gray and Fire Chief Kevin Coffelt. They are joined by Stephanie Laney of Callaway Electric and Tracy Gray and Eric Pahl of the Callaway Electric Community Foundation Board.
Bartley Elementary Partnership

Bartley Elementary Partnership | Fulton, MO
$500 Grant Awarded April 2024
Congratulations to the Bartley Elementary Partnership for receiving a $500 grant in April to support their efforts raise funds to improve the Bartley playground to make it more inclusive for all students. This includes adding a wheelchair accessible swing so that all students can enjoy swinging.
Pictured center is Bartley Principal, TJ Quick, joined by staff board members along with Stephanie Laney of Callaway Electric and Tracy Gray and Eric Pahl of the Callaway Electric Community Foundation Board.
Faith Bridge

Faith Bridge | Moberly, MO
$500 Grant Awarded April 2024
Congratulations to Faith Bridge for receiving a $500 grant in April to support their efforts to provide goods and support families and children affected by foster care. This organization serves children and families in Callaway, Montgomery, Boone, Audrain, Warren, Cole, Osage and Gasconade counties.
Pictured is Faith Bridge Executive Director Andie Jamerson. She is joined by Stephanie Laney of Callaway Electric.
North Callaway PTO

North Callaway PTO | Williamsburg, MO
$500 Grant Awarded February 2024
Congratulations to North Callaway PTO for receiving a $500 grant in February to use toward the update and improvement of their Williamsburg School playground. This upgrade will allow for more organized social events for students as as well as increase student learning and achievement.
Pictured is Williamsburg teachers and staff along with Williamsburg students. They are joined by Danelle Uebinger of Callaway Electric.
New Bloomfield Schools

New Bloomfield Schools | New Bloomfield, MO
$500 Grant Awarded February 2024
Congratulations to New Bloomfield Schools for receiving a $500 grant in February to use toward the expansion and growth of their newly created nature trail. This grant will allow them to move towards their goal of making the area a place to support the whole student experience for improved education, mental health, and more.
Pictured is Sarah Wisdom, New Bloomfield Superintendent and Paul Cloudwright, New Bloomfield High School Principal. They are joined by Danelle Uebinger of Callaway Electric.
2023 ORU Grant Recipients
Callaway Humane Society

Callaway County Humane Society | Fulton, MO
$500 Grant Awarded July 2023
Congratulations to Callaway County Humane Society for receiving a $500 grant in July to use toward being a resource in the community for abandoned and homeless animals. Their mission is to enrich the people and families in the community through adoption service, lost and found reports, emergency food donations, education, and the prevention of cruelty by executing rescues.
Pictured is Callaway County Humane Society representatives along with CCHS Secretary, Nancy Hickman. They are joined by Stephanie Laney of Callaway Electric.
Open Table

Open Table | Fulton, MO
$500 Grant Awarded July 2023
Congratulations to Open Table of Fulton, MO - they were voted on by Operation Roundup participants in a May 2023 'Make Your Community Brighter' Campaign to be considered for a grant from the Callaway Electric Community Foundation.
Open Table came together as a new entity in 2023 to address food security issues for people within Callaway County. They provide free hot meals on Monday and Thursday evenings from 5-6 p.m. at the John C. Harris Community Center of Fulton. Their first meal was served in March 2023, and they typically reach 20-30 people with each meal.
A $500 grant to help support their efforts was awarded in July 2023. Pictured are representatives Rebecca White, JoAnn Drake, White, Shirley Dixon, Alice Niemeyer and Sue Beatty from Open Table of Fulton, MO along with Callaway Electric Community Foundation Board Member Lori Twillman, left; and Callaway Electric employees Danelle Uebinger and Stephanie Laney.
Hatton Extension Club

Hatton Extension Club | Hatton, MO
$500 Grant Awarded May 2023
Congratulations to Hatton Extension Club for receiving a $500 grant in May to use toward assisting local youth through community organizations such as Hatton 4H Club, North Callaway FFA, and North Callaway Youth Wrestling and more.
Pictured is Hatton Extension Club representatives, Jill Fansler and Mylene Dunn, along with Club President, Daniel Plain. They are joined by foundation board member Lori Twillman and Danelle Uebinger of Callaway Electric.
SC Band Boosters

South Callaway Band Boosters | Mokane, MO
$1000 Grant Awarded April 2023
Congratulations to the South Callaway Band Boosters. They were recently awarded a grant from the Callaway Electric Community Foundation. Pictured are SC Band Booster members Jesse Sebacher and Heather Murphy; Callaway Electric assistant manager Clint Smith; SC Band Director Dustijn Hollon; and Callaway Electric Community Foundation board member Lori Twillman. The $1000 grant helped to sponsor the SC Bulldog Pride Marching Band as they traveled to Washington, DC in May 2023 to perform at the National Memorial Day Parade. This once in a lifetime opportunity began with a nomination by US Senator Roy Blunt.
Serve, Inc

Serve, Inc of Callaway County | Fulton, MO
$500 Grant Awarded January 2023
Congratulations to Serve, Inc of Callaway County. Diane Henry of Serve is pictured with Callaway Electric Manager of Administration Stephanie Laney,.
Serve provides a variety of critical services to Callaway County residents in need including a county wide food pantry; emergency financial, utility, prescription and disaster relief assistance for those with financial difficulties; low cost clothing and household items; and the county's only public transportation system. A $500 grant was awarded to help fund a project for Serve to expand and relocate all services to one location and better serve the citizens of Callaway County. Learn more about Serve.
Missouri Girls Town

Missouri Girls Town Foundation | Kingdom City, MO
$500 Grant Awarded January 2023
Congratulations to the Missouri Girls Town Foundation. Representative Deanna Barger is pictured with Callaway Electric Manager of Administration Stephanie Laney and Callaway Electric Community Foundation board member Lori Twillman.
Missouri Girls Town I is an organization that supports youth and families through therapeutic services and education, empowering them to reach their full potential. They also offer a Qualified Residential Treatment Program for youth residents who need help working through their past trauma and preparing them for the rest of their lives. A $500 grant was awarded to help the organization provide therapeutic services to girls in crisis and help stop the cycle of abuse in our community. Learn more about this organization and how you can get involved!
2021-2022 ORU Grant Recipients
Faith Maternity Care

Faith Maternity Care | Fulton, MO
$500 Grant Awarded November 2022
Congratulations to Faith Maternity Care. Representatives Sara Cowans-Holt, Melissa Williford, Shelley Knight, Kendra Windsor, Jennifer Books, Laykn Craighead are pictured with Callaway Electric Manager of Administration Stephanie Laney and Callaway Electric Community Foundation board members Lori Twillman and Shelly Sconce.
Faith Maternity Care is a faith-based ministry providing housing and other assistance to young mothers who choose life for their baby. A $500 grant was awarded to help the organization make efficiency upgrades to their home as well as allow them to buy a new refrigerator which would allow more moms to be welcomed into the home. Learn more about this organization and how you can get involved!
Faith Bridge

Faith Bridge | Moberly, MO
$500 Grant Awarded November 2022
Congratulations to Faith Bridge of Moberly, MO. Representative Andie Jamerson is pictured with Callaway Electric Manager of Administration Stephanie Laney.
Faith Bridge exists to serve as a total support system for foster and adoptive families. We operate a free store where families can shop for children's clothing, furniture, bedding, hygiene items, school supplies and more. Faith Bridge also provides free furniture, appliances, and households essentials for older youth who age out of foster care system and move into their own apartment.
Foundation for Autism

Thompson Foundation for Autism | Columbia, MO
$500 Grant Awarded July 2022
Congratulations to Thompson Foundation for Autism's Katie Lentz. She is pictured with Callaway Electric Community Foundation board member Eric Pahl and Callaway Electric Manager of Administration Stephanie Laney.
A $500 grant was awarded to help fund a capital improvement project to expand the Thompson Center's services. This partly includes a renovation to allow their therapy clinic to expand from 5,000 annual visits to 15,000. They also plan to expand their medical and psychological services. Callaway County had the third highest number of Foundation patients from a Missouri County in the previous fiscal year.
Central MO Foster Care

Central Missouri Foster Care & Adoption Assoc | Jefferson City, MO
$500 Grant Awarded July 2022
Congratulations to Central MO Foster Care and Adoption Association's Jennifer Wenkel and Rachel Blackmore. They are pictured with Callaway Electric Manager of Administration Stephanie Laney.
A $500 grant was awarded to help fund the CMFCAA Resource Closet and Visitation Room project which allows them to serve foster, adoptive and kinship victims of crime in a 24 country region with free clothing, toys, gently used infant care items, furniture and other necessary items. This allows families and children to get what they need to feel supported and able to continue.
Bright Futures Callaway

Bright Futures Callaway (Fulton)
$500 Grant Awarded April 2022
Congratulations to Bright Futures of the Callaway/Fulton School District. Pictured from the Bright Futures Team is Jennifer Milligan, Amy Crane, Karen Snethen, Jen Meyerhoff and Amanda Miles. Also included is Foundation Board Member Lori Twillman and Callaway Electric staff member Stephanie Laney. Bright Futures is a program that helps students meet basic needs of food, clothing and shelter within 24 hours of a request.
A $500 grant was awarded to assist their organization in providing student needs that are not able to be met through fundraising and community donations.
SC Kindergarten

South Callaway Kindergarten | Mokane, MO
$500 Grant Awarded April 2022
Congratulations to the team of kindergarten teachers at South Callaway R-II Schools. Teachers Kendra Slagle, Michelle Lallier, Danielle Horstman and Lindsey Schulte are pictured with Callaway Electric Manager of Administration Stephanie Laney.
A $500 grant was awarded to help fund software for the kindergarten teaching team that will better track student progress and provide resources to meet student needs and suggest individualized instruction to assist the teachers and parents with improving student performance.
Bright Futures NC

Bright Futures | North Callaway
$500 Grant Awarded April 2022
Congratulations to Bright Futures of the North Callaway School District. Nikki Buschmann and Tia Neal of the NC Bright Futures program are pictured with Foundation Board Members Tom Young and Lori Twillman, along with Superintendent of North Callaway Schools Nikki Kemp and Callaway Electric communications employee Kim Thomas.
A $500 grant was awarded to help eliminate barriers for students and families of the North Callaway School District so they can attend school, do so confidently and participate fully.
Callaway Cares

Callaway Cares | Fulton, MO
$500 Grant Awarded January 2022
Congratulations to Callaway Cares for receiving a $500 grant in January to use toward feeding the needy in the Callaway County Community - specifically through their 'Street Outreach' program.
Pictured is April Redman, CEO of Callaway Cares. She is joined by foundation board member Eric Pahl and Stephanie Laney of Callaway Electric.
Salvation Army of Callaway

The Salvation Army Service Unit Council of Callaway County | Fulton, MO
$500 Grant Awarded January 2022
Congratulations to the Callaway County Salvation Army for receiving a $500 grant in January to use for helping Callaway County residents with social service and religious needs.
Pictured is Glenda Fitch, SA Chairperson; along with Chelsea Lopez, Karen Digh Allen and Justis Smith SA Board Members. They are joined by foundation board member Eric Pahl and Stephanie Laney of Callaway Electric.
South Callaway Math Dept

South Callaway R-II Math Department | Mokane, MO
$500 Grant Awarded January 2022
Congratulations to the South Callaway R-II Math Department for receiving a $500 grant in January to assist with providing graphing calculators for students who cannot afford to purchase their own.
Included in the picture is South Callaway Math Teachers April Holzem and Shelly Sconce. They are joined by foundation board member Eric Pahl and Stephanie Laney of Callaway Electric.
YMCA of Callaway Co

YMCA of Callaway County | Fulton, MO
$500 Grant Awarded January 2022
Congratulations to the YMCA of Callaway County for receiving a $500 grant in January to use for purchasing youth sports equipment along with adaptive pieces for advanced older adult classes.
Pictured is Sara McDaniel, YMCA CEO; Melissa Siegel, Membership Director; and Cecilia Portillo, Sports & Recreation Director. They are joined by foundation board members Eric Pahl and Shelly Sconce, along with Stephanie Laney of Callaway Electric.
Ryan's Smiles

Ryan's Case for Smiles | Fulton, MO
$500 Grant Awarded November 2021
Congratulations to the 'Ryan's Case for Smiles' organization for receiving a $500 grant in November toward their effort to provide bright cheery pillowcases to children facing cancer or other life changing illnesses. When this team becomes aware of a child in Callaway County that might benefit from a "smile" a pillow case is either mailed or hand delivered.
Mid-Missouri Coordinator Ginger Beasley is pictured with several members of her sewing team along with Stephanie Laney of CEC and Lori Twillman a Callaway Electric Community Foundation Board Member.
New Bloomfield Nature Trail

New Bloomfield R-III School District | New Bloomfield, MO
$500 Grant Awarded November 2021
Congratulations to the New Bloomfield R-III School District for receiving a $500 grant toward purchasing trees for their Nature Trail project. The Nature Trail is being developed immediately outside the back doors of the school to allow both a place to learn and a break from learning. It will also be a place for the community to appreciate and enjoy.
Pictured for the grant presentation is Lori Twillman, Callaway Electric Community Foundation; Jacob White, MS/HS Assistant Principal & Athletic Director; Clay Carroll, Callaway Electric Manager of Member Services; Sarah Wisdom, New Bloomfield Superintendent; Paul Cloudwright, New Bloomfield High School Principal; and Stephanie Laney, Callaway Electric Manager of Administration.
First Chance

First Chance for Children | Callaway County, MO
$500 Grant Awarded July 2021
Congratulations to First Chance for Children. Director of Serve Courtney Harrison and Exec Director of First Chance for Children Kasey Hammock join Callaway Electric Community Foundation board members Shelly Sconce and Kathy Neal along with Stephanie Laney of CEC.
This $500 grant will help fund the Baby Bags program which partners with agencies to provide diapers and other necessities to families in need. First Chance partners with Serve to distribute this program in Callaway County.
Fire Fighters Foundation

Fire Fighters Historical Preservation Foundation | Kingdom City, MO
$500 Grant Awarded July 2021
Congratulations to the Fire Fighters Historical Preservation Foundation. Board member Doc Kritzer is pictured with Callaway
Electric Manager of Administration Stephanie Laney and Callaway Electric Foundation board member Shelly Sconce.
This $500 grant will help fund the completion of the interior of the Fire Fighter’s Museum, which will enhance and support the Firefighter’s Memorial. The memorial and museum is a state-wide Missouri facility which helps to educate, honor and preserve Missouri fire service history.
Auxvasse Community Cntr

Auxvasse Community Center | Auxvasse, MO
$500 Grant Awarded July 2021
Congratulations to the Auxvasse Community Center. Auxvasse Lions Club President Bob Simpson and Secretary Donal Knipp are pictured with Callaway Electric Foundation board member Shelly Sconce and Callaway Electric Manager of Administration Stephanie Laney.
A $500 grant was awarded to help fund the Auxvasse Community Center new building project which was completed and open in July 2021 for the benefit of local organizations, businesses and individuals to use for meetings and events.
Callaway Senior Center

Callaway Senior Center | Fulton, MO
$500 Grant Awarded July 2021
Congratulations to the Callaway Senior Center. Pictured from left is Callaway Electric's Rob Barnes, Callaway Electric Foundation Board Member Shelly Sconce and Callaway Electric's Stephanie Laney along with Senior Center representatives Elizabeth Bandkau, Yvonne Adams, Betty Wodson, Bob Schneider, Cheif Myers, Sherry Stamper and Charles Ausfahl.
The senior center received a $500 grant to help fund an upgrade from fluorescent light bulbs to more energy efficient LED bulbs. The project will help reduce utility costs and make the center more efficient.
Heart of MO CASA

Heart of MO CASA | Fulton, MO
$500 Grant Awarded April 2021
Congratulations to the Heart of Missouri CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates). Representatives Kelly Hill and Suzanne Guerrant are pictured with Callaway Electric Manager of Administration Stephanie Laney and Callaway Electric Community Foundation board members Kathy Neal, Eric Pahl, Shelly Sconce and Tracy Gray.
A $500 grant was awarded to help replace their fundraising event that had to be cancelled in response to COVID-19. The funding directly serves volunteers who advocate for children who have been neglected and abused and are now in the care of the Callaway Family Court System. The organization trains and supports volunteers to be exceptional voices for every abused and neglected child in the Boone and Callaway County Family Courts. Learn more about this exceptional program.
NC Parents as Teachers

North Callaway Parents as Teachers | Kingdom City, MO
$500 Grant Awarded April 2021
Congratulations to the North Callaway Parents as Teachers. Representatives Sarah Baumgartner, Tia Neal and Shelly Robbins are pictured with Callaway Electric Manager of Administration Stephanie Laney and Callaway Electric Community Foundation board member Kathy Neal.
A $500 grant was awarded to help fund school supplies for their upcoming kindergarten orientation open to any child in the district who will attend kindergarten in the fall of 2021. This group promotes optimal early development, learning and health of children by supporting and engaging with their parents and caregivers.
Emergency Comm

Callaway Emergency Communication | Fulton, MO
$500 Grant Awarded April 2021
Congratulations to Callaway Emergency Communication. Representative David Phelps is pictured with Callaway Electric Community Foundation board members Kathy Neal, Shelly Sconce, Eric Pahl, Tracy Gray and Callaway Electric Manager of Administration Stephanie Laney.
A $500 grant was awarded to help fund a storage building project needed to help centralize all communications equipment and allow timely access in response to a disaster. This group of Amateur Radio operators works with adjoining counties along with local, state and national organizations to provide communication during a disaster or other event where normal communication is out or overwhelmed.
iCan Bike Camp

iCan Bike Camp | Fulton, MO
$500 Grant Awarded April 2021
Congratulations to iCan Bike Host Nancy Hanson. She is pictured with Callaway Electric Manager of Administration Stephanie Laney, and Callaway Electric Community Foundation board members Kathy Neal, Shelly Sconce, Eric Pahl and Tracy Gray.
A $500 grant was awarded to help fund the 2021 iCan Bike Camp to be held June 14-18 at 54 Country in Fulton. The goal of the camp is to teach individuals with disabilities to ride a conventional two-wheeled bicycle and become lifelong independent riders. Learn more about this awesome camp!