October is Cooperative Month. It's a time to truly celebrate the many aspects that set co-ops apart from traditional businesses. More importantly, Co-op Month is a time to celebrate you, the members of our electric cooperative.
In an effort to celebrate cooperative members and the spirit of working together to make a difference, we will be collecting non perishable food items in our lobby throughout the month of October. Items collected will benefit Serve, Inc of Callaway County. This local agency is in place to fight poverty in Callaway County with a food pantry, emergency financial assistance, and public transportation. Each month Serve provides food boxes to more than 750 households that include our neighbors and friends.
We invite you to join the employees of Callaway Electric this month who have been challenged to donate items to Serve. Together, we can make a difference!
Most needed items for the Serve, Inc food pantry include the following:
Complete Boxed Meals (Hamburger/Tuna Helper)
Canned Meat
Peanut Butter
Canned Soups
Boxed Potatoes & Stuffing
Pasta & Noodles
Diced Tomatoes
Pancake & Cornbread Mix
Macaroni & Ramen
When you bring in items, be sure to register at our front desk. All food drive participants who donate un-expired, non-perishable food will be entered to win a $25 bill credit.